OpenUtilities Substation Help

To Filter the List of Models

  1. In the Models dialog, click the List Filter icon.

    A filter row displays at the top of the list box.

  2. In the filter row, click on the field to filter.
  3. Enter the filter information and accept with a data point or press <Enter>.

    The Models list box updates to display the filtered list of models. With the filter defined, you can toggle the filtered display with the List Filter icon.

    For information on defining filters as string, integer, or boolean expressions, refer to the tables in Defining and Deleting Filters.

    Note: Where you have a large list of models, you can use the filter option to filter the list box to display only those models that meet a certain criteria. For example, if you type "t", or "100", in the name filter, only those models will display whose names contain "t", or "100", respectively. You can add filters to multiple columns, to further filter the display.